Master the Art of Breath and live the life you long for!

Ride the Spirit of your Breath!


Just you and your breath.


Direct access to your subconscious.


No story. No concepts.

No ideologies.


Breath is a portal of the self, through the self, to the self.

Your breath is one of the most powerful modalities of healing you have. It is a pure direct channel to you. Your breath will guide, open, reveal, heal, and enlighten your wholeness.

A guided breathing meditation is a safe natural experience that can shift deep conditioning, release trauma and inherited negative fear, and clear emotional, mental, and psychological patterns that no longer serve you.


Individual sessions

Personalised support to address daily breathing patterns and tailor deep dive breath journeys towards your needs.

In person & online sessions.

Couples sessions

Breathing with a partner is healing, revitalising, and very intimate. Your hearts will bloom like never before!

In person & online sessions.

Group sessions

We are not healed alone! This is so true! And when we breath together, we realise we're changing the world one person at a time!

In person/ online sessions.


21 Day Rise & Shine Breath Journey

Are you ready to SHINE! This 21 Day Rise & Shine Breath Journey will light you up from the inside! Discover the power of breath and the clarity it brings to your everyday you exactly what you need to live your best life!

Start now!

This love... Breath Journey

A great introductory breath journey! Open, soften, expand into the love that you are!

Letting Go... Breath Journey

Dive deep into yourself and discover the transformational power of breath! This is your reset!

Wholesome... Breath Journey

Your breath is a bridge between the seen and the unseen. Follow it through the subtle aspects of form and formlessness.

Letting Go... Breath Journey Pack

Three Breath Journeys! Are you stuck, indecisive, unmotivated? Or, maybe you're not sure... though somethings amiss and you can't quite put your finger on it? Well, put that hand on your heart and take a deep dive journey within...allow the Spirit of your Breath to guide the way!

What is Breathwork?

This form of breathwork enables one to consciously move into sympathetic or parasympathetic states.

Sympathetic breath journeys are active somatic meditations. Systematically guiding the breath through controlled hyperventilation gives access to the subconscious mind.

Parasympathetic breath journeys are calm restorative meditations, done in stillness. Slowing the breath right down opens one into deep states of consciousness.

Both breathing techniques can release suppressed emotions, negative belief patterns, and trauma (past, present, and generational). Unconsciously suppressed emotions result in dysfunctional patterns, having a major impact on daily life.

When you recover the power of breath through guided breath journeys and wholesome daily breathing patterns, you reset on the deepest level, realigning yourself... to live your highest evolutionary possibilities!

The Copper Pyramid

An experience is necessary to fully appreciate the wisdom of its potency!

The Copper Pyramid & Crystal Copper Wands are utilised in retreats for breathwork, meditation and creative sessions. The experience harnesses both the pyramid's capacity to augment energy and the acclaimed therapeutic qualities of copper & crystals.

Single, couple, group, retreat and festival opportunities.


During, hands down, the most difficult periods of my life, I was called to do some deep dive breath work with Jennifer. Now I’ve done a lot of work over a long period of time and I expected Jennifer's breath work to be similar in its impact.

Guided by an angel to source is how I would best describe my sessions with Jennifer. Profound beyond my own limited capacity to explain it in words. Never in my life have I had space held in such a warm, safe and non-judgmental container.

The sheer enormity of the presence that I was guided to is only met by the stunning realisation that it is at the centre of all of us and the division, nothing more than a dream.

So, I say to you, love has no memory. From love we arrive in this world and to it, we return.

In between, there are guiding angels. If only we can open our hearts wide enough to sense them, we can be gently guided to touch the surface of our own loving truth.

Much love Jennifer, I am truly grateful.

Grant Giles

Elite Athletic coach

I didn’t have any expectations and was totally open to learning & participating in the 'Letting go...' series, and I’m so glad I did!

Jennifer created a beautiful safe space & prepared me, with knowledge, about how to get the highest experience from each journey. During each session she was right beside me as a loving guide, ensuring I was comfortable and safe.

My experiences were profound.

The alchemical breath work experiences I was lovingly guided through have awakened me, and I can now move forward in life with an enlightened perspective…

I also appreciate her wisdom & insights on using breath to enhance everyday life.

The whole journey has been extremely beneficial for my inward growth & outward development.

She was perfect 🌟!

MArina sujcanov

SOUND Therapist

"I had a deeply profound healing experience in Jennifer's breathwork session. She has created an amazing session that supports a journey into the depths of our inner world, and opens a unique view that often is not so available with the thinking mind.

Her beautifully kind, nurturing and accepting presence contributes to a feeling of safety and holding.

I Highly recommend this breathwork experience!"

Anna Helene Smith

craniosacral/anthroposophical therapist

Jennifer has spent a lifetime of practice across a myriad of modalities and fused them into an incredible, masterfully-facilitated breathwork experience. She brings so much love, presence and wisdom to the sessions - harnessing your own breath and Inner Guide to lead the way into so much discovery, insight and healing – without the need to process any big ‘stories’ or trauma.

This work seems to heal at a level beyond ‘story’ or even the mind.

Very powerful!

I wish everyone in the world could experience breath work

sessions with her!

Grant DALE

CORPORATE Leadership consultant

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Address: Byron Bay, NSW Australia

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